Sunday 16th August 2020 - Campbelltown City Baptist Church

Online Church Resources

Sunday 16th August 2020



Father God, we thank you that you are the sovereign and infinite maker of heaven and earth and also the God of all compassion and comfort. “Give ear, O Lord to my prayer; listen to my plea for grace.” (Psalm 86). 

We pray for our world, nation, city, neighbourhoods, and church. Lord, please heal the afflicted and strengthen those who have the responsibility to care for and help others. We ask in your mercy that you would grant wisdom to those who are working towards a cure for Coronavirus. 

We look to you for guidance and strength. “Preserve my life…you are my God” (Psalm 86:2-3). We pray that you would enable us to walk by faith and have a growing confidence in you. Help us to be wise in taking whatever precautions are necessary to limit the virus’ spread and consider the needs of others above ourselves. We ask you would be drawing people to look for security in your Son Jesus Christ. Continue to guide us and give us the courage to humbly point people to the hope that is only found in Jesus. 

Father we thank you that you didn’t just create us to be rescued from sin but to know the joy of your presence and love. “Gladden the soul of your servant, for to you, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.” (Psalm 86:4). Thank you Father, that you give us yourself forever, and we ask you would enable us as your people to find our joy in you. 

Father, “Teach me your way, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth.” (Psalm 86:11). We ask that you would be at work in our lives through your Word and Spirit, so that your truth comes to life in us, that people see you in our priorities, relationships, and our hearts. Lord we often struggle with pride, but on the cross you made yourself of no reputation and gave up all your power and glory for us. The more I thank you and rejoice that you did that, the less I need to worry about my own honour and reputation, and who is approving of me or not. 

Father, so often we forget to ask you for help and attempt to serve others in our own strength. Help us to work in the strength that you provide, that our lives are marked by the gospel. We ask God that you take what you are doing for us, and in us, and do something dramatic through us in the hearts and minds of our family, friends, and neighbours. Father, we want our faith to mean something to people who don’t know you. We pray that those who wonder if you even exist, would not just know that you are the one and only God, but that through your mercy they might come to know you and be saved. 

Father we thank you that you listen to our prayers, in Jesus great name we pray, Amen.

Kids Church


Bible Reading (included): Jeremiah 17:1-14

Suggested Songs