Sunday 14th June 2020 - Campbelltown City Baptist Church

Online Church Resources

Sunday 14th June 2020



Catch Up with Petina Abbott


Almighty God, our heavenly Father.
Even though Jesus taught us to call you Father, you are immeasurably more wonderful than any earthly father could ever be.
You are the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort.
We come to you in weakness and apprehension, deeply impacted and troubled by the turn of events in our broken world over the last few weeks.
We agonise also over the separation we are experiencing from each other, and we long to gather together for regular congregational worship.
Though we cannot meet corporately, we are still able to unite in heart and mind, and pray in one accord:
Lord, in your love and wisdom guide us in our prayers.
We praise you for your goodness and endless patience with us.
You never fail to comfort and strengthen those who cry out to you.
Inspire us, in these dark days, to surrender our lives to your good purpose for us.
Thank you that your hand is always stretched out in blessing and healing of the sick –
Give doctors wisdom and biomedical scientists understanding.
Endow caregivers with compassion and generosity.
Bring healing to those who are most at risk.
Give comfort to those who have lost loved ones.
Break the power of racism and violence.
Stabilise our communities.
Remove our fears.
Unite our hearts in Christian love
Fill us with joy and confidence in your presence.
So move our hearts that what we desire is what you promise,
and what we heed is what you command.
Thank you that you are not powerless to transform our
hearts and lives, and to plant within us your hope.
We come to you in the name of Christ. Amen.

For The Kids


Bible Reading (included): Matthew 19:1-15
