Sunday 31st May 2020 - Campbelltown City Baptist Church

Online Church Resources

Sunday 31st May 2020




Our Heavenly Father,

Hallowed be your name.  You are holy and good.  In you, there is no imperfection or blemish or fault.  Father, you are so good, both in your nature and in all that you give to us.  We praise and thank you for your kindness and generosity towards us.  God, you are love.  And we thank you that your love overflows towards us.  Please help us to find joy and satisfaction in who you are.  

Father, thank you for giving us your Son.  Thank you that Christ denied himself and took up his cross for us.  Thank you that he endured the shame and agony of the cross.  In the cross, we see you wrath towards sin and your love towards us.  

Lord, we confess today that we are so often prone towards pride.  We think ourselves big and important.  We struggle to humble ourselves.  We don’t love others as you love us and sometimes we cause other people to stumble.  We confess that we struggle with ongoing sin and often love darkness instead of coming into the light.  Father, please forgive us.  We are sorry for all the ways that we wrong you and others. Help us to truly repent and change. 

We ask you, Lord, to please convict us of our sin and enable us to repent.  Please melt us with your love and grace.  Help us to deny ourselves and take up our cross and follow you.  Help us to willingly endure suffering to put off sin.  Help us to see ourselves and others in light of who you are and what you have said.

We pray this, in the name of your glorious Son, 


For The Kids


Bible Reading (included): Matthew 17:24-18:14
