Sunday 10th May 2020 - Campbelltown City Baptist Church

Online Church Resources

Sunday 10th May 2020




An old Hymn

‘Rescue the perishing, care for the dying;
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen;
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.’

Our Father, you who bound us to your love 
Please fill us with joy as we meet to pray.
You are mighty to save in a rebel like me.
Thankyou that my sin wasn’t enough to blind you from me.
But instead you loved and called in me to come to Jesus
I stand in awe of your love and your mercy 
So that I might live a life that stands, like Jesus free.

But our sin is with us, we see our selfishness and pride
Our frail minds and bodies tempt us to turn away from you
Please forgive us, please help us to know the joy of the obedient life of Jesus,
as we turn away from sin,
restore in us the fruit that Your Holy Spirit desires in us.

On this Mothers Day, we thank you for our mums. Thank you for the good they did for us.  For their care and compassion, their joy and love. For the way many of them helped us to learn about King Jesus. Please forgive us when we have failed to honour our mothers as you have commanded 

Please forgive our Mum’s who did wrong to us.  When they failed to train us as You wanted. 

We know, that like us, their frailty has meant that there were always mistakes. Please help us to see Your good even in these wounds. 

Thank you for those women in our lives who have been like mothers to us, who have helped us see the Lord Jesus. Thank you for those who left the opportunities to become mothers to serve your kingdom overseas.

Please comfort those whose desire to be a mother has not been met. Bring comfort we pray for this deep grief.

We pray for our world.  According to your will, we pray for the people of Afghanistan as they struggle under the burden of the Corona Virus. Please use this time to bring people to faith in Jesus.  As the season of Ramadan continues, please, speak to the people of Afghanistan through visions and dreams of the love of Jesus. We pray for the Taliban who are enemies of Jesus, that you would bless their leadership in this way.

Help us to hear your word well today, to know the joy of your Holy Spirit as He challenges us, as He comforts us, and as He shows us what it means to follow Jesus well.


Kids Church


Bible Reading (included): Matthew 16:13-28
